Sunday, 2 November 2014

Hot Chocolate

This week has been a bit busy: at the beginning of the week (from the Friday to the Monday night), I was in Cambridge.  Then it's been media week at uni, so I was manning the stall and trying to attract people to learn about the media areas (student radio, newspaper, cinema, and video production) between my lectures on Wednesday.  There was also the media Halloween social on Wednesday evening, and I'd been planning to dress as a goth fairy, but I realised when I went to my friend's to get changed that I'd left my headband and choker at home, so I ended up with only a black top and tights and a gold skirt.  While I was in Cambridge, I decided to catch up with one of my friends who is at uni there.  There was only an hour available to us, but we ended up in a little cafĂ© called Benet's, located next to a shop full of bear-related items including several Steiff bears and a Winnie the Pooh chess set.  Unfortunately, the time was not available to us for us to have the chance to enjoy any of Benet's savoury or sweet pancakes or crepes (which you could choose two toppings for, including Nutella or banana with peanut butter), but I had a rather tasty hot chocolate topped with mini marshmallows and whipped cream.  This recipe is from Nigella Express, and originally the recipe called for 4-5 tablespoons of Kahlua and 4 cinnamon sticks, but I've opted to leave those out and add mini marshmallows.


500ml full-fat milk
6 x 15ml tablespoons hot chocolate mix, or enough to make 500ml of hot chocolate (according to packet instructions)
squirty whipped cream from a can
mini marshmallows


  1. Heat the milk in a pan and make the hot chocolate according to packet instructions.
  2. Take off the heat before the mix boils.
  3. Serve with a topping of mini marshmallows, and top with the squirty whipped cream.

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