Friday, 6 February 2015

Raw Granola with Raw Banana and Cashew Yoghurt

Last Thursday was the Health and Wellbeing fayre at uni, marking the launch of a new initiative to promote and sustain health and wellbeing amongst students and staff at the university through food, exercise, relaxation, and services such as the university's counselling service, the mental health charity Mind and NHS services.  There were various stalls with leaflets or, in the case of the Sustrans stall, a bicycle fitted with a blender which you could ride and make your own berry smoothie (which will next be available at uni on Wednesday 25th February for the Food Festival), as well as a quiz which you could complete with the chance of winning various prizes including month-long gym memberships.  At the stall at which you could register your attendance and maybe also receive a goodie bag (which contained a stress ball in the shape of a lemon, lip balm, hand sanitiser, a pedometer, a hand warmer and a few leaflets), you were encouraged to write on a post-it what you would like to see this initiative do for the university.  Being an advocate of food and looking after yourself, I took three post-its and wrote:

  1. Introduce compulsory timetabled sessions on yoga/relaxation for all students.
  2. Encourage students to eat breakfast everyday.
  3. Encourage students to get enough sleep each night.
That second option is what I have a post on for this week.  Breakfast.  The most important meal of the day, or so they say.  The meal that should not be skipped in favour of sneaking a bit more sleep in before a lecture.  One of my friends was talking about wanting some granola a few days ago, so I felt inspired to look up a recipe for granola.  I found one in the January 2015 of the Asda magazine, but I've adapted it a lot by making it into a raw version by not cooking the granola mix and topping it with raw banana and cashew yoghurt, in accordance with this recipe for raw banana and cashew yoghurt from Choosing Raw.

Ingredients (to make 4 small servings)

1 cup cashews, soaked for 2 hours or more, then drained
2 large bananas
1 1/2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
2/3 cup tap water or coconut water
1 pinch sea salt
200g rolled oats
raisins, to serve
blueberries, to serve


  1. For the yoghurt, blend all the ingredients together until the mixture reaches a smooth consistency.
  2. Mix together the rolled oats and raisins.
  3. Scoop some of the yoghurt into the bottom of each glass.  On top of this, add a layer of the oat and raisin mixture.  Add another layer of the yoghurt to the glass.  At the very top, add another layer of the granola mix.
  4. Add some blueberries to serve.

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