Friday, 6 March 2015

Apple, Orange and Grape Smoothie

Carrying on from the theme of the Food Festival last week (and while it is still Fairtrade Fortnight), I'm going to take the time to share another recipe found at the Food Festival.  This time, it came from my visit to the Sustrans smoothie bike.  The last two times I attended events that had the smoothie bike around (a stall where you could have a smoothie and a massage as a break from exam revision on 8th January, and at the Sustain Health and Wellbeing Fayre on 29th January), the smoothie you could pedal on the smoothie bike to make was a mixed berry smoothie, but last week's smoothie at the Food Festival consisted of green grapes and orange segments as an alternative to the mixed berries.  This now sounds an awful lot like how to make a smoothie containing the fruits I normally have in containers to eat for lunch and as snacks at uni (apple, oranges and grapes) ... Here's the recipe to make at home!


1/2 a banana
3/4 cup apple juice
handful of green grapes
handful of orange segments


  1. Peel banana and cut into two halves.  You can eat one half.  Peel an orange and cut into segments.  Rinse a handful of grapes.
  2. Cut remaining half of banana into slices and begin to pulse in blender.
  3. Gradually add orange segments, grapes and apple juice to the blender.
  4. Pulse mixture until it reaches a smooth consistency.
  5. Pour into glass and enjoy!

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