Friday, 19 June 2015

DIY Water Candles

This week, I'm going to share something a little different.  Instead of a recipe for a simple meal (well, they're usually desserts, but sometimes savoury as well), I'm going to share a DIY.  As we are now in mid to late June, it should definitely be time to get barbecues or picnics underway.  I've found a few recipes for dishes you can make for a barbecue which I will share in the next couple of weeks, but maybe you'd also like something to decorate your outdoor (or indoor) dining table while you're enjoying a barbecue with friends in the evening.  Here are some instructions for a DIY water candle that I found in the Tesco Food Family Living magazine for June 2015.  This candle is vegan-friendly, and uses common household cooking products, and also encourages recycling.

What You Need

a glass jar
a pair of scissors
a plastic water bottle
a pencil
a wick from a tapered candle
1 tablespoon of cooking oil


  1. Choose a glass jar as your candle holder.
  2. Then, with scissors, cut out the base of a plastic water bottle, making it slightly smaller than the circumference of the glass jar mouth, so it will fit snugly inside the top of the jar.  Pierce a small hole in the centre of the disc.
  3. Remove a wick from a tapered candle and tie a knot in one end, about 2.5cm (1 inch) from the top.  Thread it through the hole in the plastic disc.
  4. Fill the jar with water up to 2.5cm (1 inch) from the top.  Put the disc and wick on the water.
  5. Carefully pour 1 tablespoon of cooking oil on top of the disc, then light your water candle.

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