Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Katie's Christmas 2015 - My Top 5 Christmas/Holiday Films

This is the last part of my Top 5s for Christmas, and it's some of my favourite Christmas/Holiday films.  Tomorrow or Thursday, I'll be posting the last of my recipes to prepare food for Christmas Day, so watch out for those.  Later today, I'll be watching the original Star Wars trilogy in preparation for seeing The Force Awakens with my family tomorrow (I've already watched the prequel trilogy).  I will not discuss the film further on this blog though.

My Top 5 Christmas/Holiday Films

  1. Miracle on 34th Street (1994) - So much Mara Wilson being little and adorable, and also very wise for a 6 year old.
  2. The Snowman (1982) - I'm including both the introduction with Father Christmas and the introduction with David Bowie here.  This is a truly magical short film, and so is its sequel, The Snowman and the Snowdog.


  3. A Christmas To Remember (2001) - This is a Bob the Builder film that my brother received for Christmas when he was 3 years old (while 6 year old me received Barbie in the Nutcracker).  As well as all the usual Bob the Builder crew, we also have Bob's twin brother Tom who lives in the Arctic Circle, Elton John voicing Lazers member John, Chris Evans voicing Lennie Lazenby himself, and Noddy Holder voicing roadie Banger (which explains why he yells "IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" like you're listening to Slade's Merry Xmas Everybody.
  4. Home Alone (1990) - Before a few weeks ago, I somehow did not think of this as a Christmas film, but it most certainly is, but just not as much as Miracle on 34th Street.  Also, have you seen Just Me In The House By Myself, the brand new first episode of The Moldy Peaches' Jack Dishel's new web series, in which Macaulay Culkin reprises his role as Kevin McCallister in a rather sinister and creepy look at Kevin's life as an adult following his experience as a child of being left home alone over Christmas.

  5. Home Alone 2 (1992)

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