Sunday, 3 January 2016

Katie's Christmas 2015 - Sock Snowman DIY

A few weeks ago, my university's student union held a "crafternoon" for 3 hours to raise money for the mental health charity, Mind.  Entry was £2, but then we had access to plenty of craft materials, including cards, foam shapes, felt shapes, pipe cleaners, beads, buttons, different coloured craft lolly sticks and scrap material.  When I arrived (just over an hour in because I'd been studio-managing at RamAir, several people were making sock snowmen.  While making my own, I unfortunately managed to spill a little bit of rice on the carpet floor (because I'm a messy child) and even more on the table (which I could gather up and pour into the sock from there), but with a tiny bit of help with tying the ribbon, I managed to finish it.  I also gathered some of the materials to make another one at home, so this is the story of how I made the second sock snowman (photos to come)!

What You Need

an ankle-length white sock (preferably a large size)
a red and white baby's Christmas sock
dry rice or polyester stuffing
thin ribbon
felt tip/Sharpie/fabric pens
PVA or craft glue.


  1. Fill the white sock to about 2/3rds capacity with rice or polyester stuffing.  If using rice, try using a spoon and a funnel (either a real funnel or a paper one) to make sure as much rice as possible goes into the sock.
  2. Separate a section of the filling off to be the head of the snowman and use a piece of thin ribbon to tie this area off.
  3. Use another piece of thin ribbon to tie up the top of the head of the snowman to prevent the rice/stuffing from escaping.
  4. Roll up the top of the baby's sock slightly and use it to cover the top of the head of the snowman.
  5. Use PVA or craft glue to glue buttons for the snowman's eyes and "coat" buttons.
  6. Draw on the snowman's nose, mouth and arms with pens.

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