Monday, 7 March 2016

Garlic Bread

It's now show week and 3 days to go until opening night which is both pretty exciting and pretty scary.  I've reposted the reminder to cast members to look after themselves this week to our Facebook group page, but I'm so worried about people being ill.

During the past week, I have been sharing the daily countdown photographs to my Facebook timeline along with a little diary entry of what I have seen at rehearsals, what I have been doing towards the show, and how I'm feeling about it all.  Here's some of the posts:

Saturday 27th February 2016 - 12 days left

This was one of my favourite scenes from Thursday's rehearsal. It's only 12 days until Back to the 80s begins (and sadly only 14 days until ends), so get your tickets quick for Thursday 10th to Saturday 12th March at 7:30pm in the Studio@ space at the Bradford Playhouse. Tickets are £10 in full or £8 for concessions (including students) - you're guaranteed to want to sing along!

There's no need to fight over tickets! But be sure to get them soon - the clock is ticking! ...
Posted by Bradford University Society of Operettas and Musicals (BUSOM) on Saturday, 27 February 2016

Sunday 28th February 2016 - 11 days left

This picture is really sweet. It'd be awesome to have all four members of the production team in a photo because we're all very awesome. Today, I learned the choreography for The Glory of Love, although I did forget to bring the cardboard computer cursor that I made last weekend (oops), and had a discussion with our brilliant director about props, including lightsabers!

Our MDs can't believe that it's only 11 days to go until we go Back to the 80s! Can you believe...
Posted by Bradford University Society of Operettas and Musicals (BUSOM) on Sunday, 28 February 2016

Monday 29th February 2016 - 10 days left

It's now only 10 days until the 1st of the 3 nights of Back to the 80s, and exactly 7 days until we begin show week (ok, technically we'd have already been in the tech rehearsal for a couple of hours now). Last night was the pub quiz (which was the first time I've been to it) co-hosted by BUSOM, and I was on the team "Five BUSOMites and a Very Satisfied Baby". Emma hosted the general knowledge round on 80s music facts (based on what she has posted on the BUSOM social media) and the music round, both of which our team scored 100% on and won drinks vouchers to use at the bar (I used mine on hot chocolate this morning). We also met and held Elizabeth (the very satisfied baby who was very wriggly). Today has really only been RamAir, on which I was mainly talking about leap years and songs involving forms of movement in the title (such as running, walking, jumping, dancing and singing), but I managed to fit Walking On Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves into that to promote Back to the 80s (as I have been doing every week on Breaking Walls and Closing Cupboards). Next week, I will hopefully be having other production team members or other cast members for my show which will be fully containing songs from the show and also discussion about the show and whatever else comes up (but I also need to play lots of music). Meanwhile, Carys and I will be going over to BCB tomorrow afternoon to promote the show there, so listen in a bit after 4pm!

P.S. Does anybody have any tips on how not to be tired during show week?

You're having a laugh! Only 10 days to go?  #backtothe80s #mainshow #musicals #musicaltheatre #teambradford
Posted by Bradford University Society of Operettas and Musicals (BUSOM) on Monday, 29 February 2016

Tuesday 1st March 2016 - 9 days left

I've written a post for the Bradford Life Blog about BUSOM's upcoming production of Back to the 80s, including information about the show, what I've enjoyed about recent rehearsals, things about costumes, and also things we've been doing recently like the tie-dye fundraiser and busking for RAG. There's only 9 days until the show, but I'll be posting a proper update later tonight after rehearsal and my trip to the BCB studio to promote the show at 4pm!

Today, Carys and I went over to the BCB studio and spoke about Back to the 80s, along with a couple of questions about 80s fashions and things of the time. You can listen back here. We start at just after 8 minutes in until just after 14 minutes, followed by Kids in America by Kim Wilde, which is a song in the show. As for rehearsal, lots of the songs sounded absolutely brilliant with Mickey and We Are The World being highlights (I started singing along to the chorus of the latter).

We're down to single digits now! Only 9 days until we take to the stage!  Have you got your tickets yet? ...
Posted by Bradford University Society of Operettas and Musicals (BUSOM) on Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Wednesday 2nd March 2016 - 8 days left

Just over a week left to go  #backtothe80s #mainshow #musicals #musicaltheatre #teambradford
Posted by Bradford University Society of Operettas and Musicals (BUSOM) on Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Thursday 3rd March 2016 - 7 days left

So it's now only ONE WEEK until Back to the 80s begins. In less than 7 days time, we'll be on the Studio@ stage performing to friends, family and members of the public. It may be just me having a coursework deadline tomorrow, but I'm so, so nervous and stressed about the show at the moment. Mainly, I'm just concerned about cast members or even crew members being ill or not having everything or little bits and pieces not being ready on time. I am really, really excited though. Every rehearsal has now got me singing along for one song or another. This evening, Footloose had me smiling like an idiot and singing along, Mickey had me clapping along, and We Are The World and Centerfold had me singing along, and I've felt so, so happy at rehearsal today (especially while we were singing along to We're All In This Together and You Can't Stop The Beat during the break). I'm so proud of everyone, both in the cast and my fellow production team members.

It's the final countdown!⌛️Do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do, ah-ah!It's exactly 1 week until curtain up! If...
Posted by Bradford University Society of Operettas and Musicals (BUSOM) on Thursday, 3 March 2016

Friday 4th March 2016 - 6 days left

Now only 5 days to go! With an important coursework deadline, the past day has been a bit stressful, but I can now do a couple more things for the show before concentrating again on coursework (will probably have to do that later today anyway). Today, I decorated the cursor for the dream sequence!

Less than a week to go now! Get your tickets now - whilst there's still some left! #backtothe80s #mainshow #musicals #musicaltheatre #teambradford
Posted by Bradford University Society of Operettas and Musicals (BUSOM) on Friday, 4 March 2016

Saturday 5th March 2016 - 5 days left

Today is 5 days until we start Back to the 80s and only 7 days until it's all over. That's scary, isn't it? Nearly 10 months since the first production team meeting last May and it all just comes down to three nights to have the time of our lives (see what I did there). Tomorrow, the 7 days of seeing the cast and crew every day begins and I'm so proud of them all for all their hard work and the energy they have put into this.
Today, we also SOLD OUT the Saturday night's performance (my mum got the last ticket), so if you haven't got a ticket yet and would like to see BUSOM's production of Back to the 80s, book ASAP for the Thursday or Friday night at Tickets are £10 in full or £8 for concessions (including students)!

Every day we're getting closer to opening night! Will you be joining us?  #backtothe80s #mainshow #musicals #musicaltheatre #teambradford
Posted by Bradford University Society of Operettas and Musicals (BUSOM) on Saturday, 5 March 2016

Sunday 6th March 2016 - 4 days left

Woah - only 4 days to go! (Tickets for Saturday are now sold out, but we still have tickets for Thursday and...
Posted by Bradford University Society of Operettas and Musicals (BUSOM) on Sunday, 6 March 2016

Garlic Bread

Garlic bread is one of my favourite things to have as a side with my dinner or as a main part if I'm having leftovers for lunch because it's quite soft in the middle, so I decided I needed to find a dairy-free version for that eventuality.  This recipe is from In Michelle's Kitchen and I've chosen a baguette to make it as close to the garlic bread I currently use as possible.

Ingredients (makes 1/2 cup garlic butter)

1/2 cup softened vegan margarine (such as Pure)
1 1/2 tablespoons garlic powder, or grated or finely minced fresh garlic to taste
1 tablespoon dried parsley
1 long baguette, cut into slices


  1. Mix softened margarine, garlic powder and dried parsley together in a bowl.
  2. Spread mixture onto each slice of the baguette and bake in hot 190 degrees Celsius or 375 degrees Fahrenheit oven for about 3 minutes or until golden brown. 
  3. Serve on its own as a snack or as a side dish!

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