Saturday, 25 June 2016

Teddy Bear Sandwiches

Some really bad stuff has been happening this month, so for this post, I'm only going to talk about the positives and then move on to the recipe.

Last night, I finally received my official degree classification results, after having friends from other faculties receive their own from Wednesday onwards.  I've achieved a BSc Honours 2:1 in Web Design and Technology, which I feel is really good for me because there was a point in January/February where I knew I'd passed but hadn't done very well in one module but hadn't yet received the results in another module where I thought I'd done really badly, so I had been panicking about getting a 2:2, but then my hopes of a 2:1 were reignited again when I actually got a good result in the other module.  So I have a 2:1 now, and I will be graduating at 10am on Wednesday 13th July.  Sadly, most of my closest friends at uni (BUSOM friends) are in different faculties and will be therefore graduating in different ceremonies, but I'll still have a couple of media friends who might not be on my course, but who I've shared modules with.

Although I haven't recently been at Disney World or Disneyland (I visited the former last July), I am still pretty Disney-obsessed practically all the time.  This morning, I was reading a Winnie the Pooh book (an original A.A. Milne one with illustrations by E.H. Shepard) and I decided to look around my bedroom for some of my Winnie the Pooh merchandise:
  • I have Winnie the Pooh pyjamas, T-shirts and jumpers in my wardrobe.
  • I have a Winnie the Pooh rug on my floor that my mum and I made using a pattern when I was 9-12 years old.
  • I have a Winnie the Pooh clock on my desk that currently doesn't work, but I might get new batteries for it soon.
  • I have Piglet and Tigger pictures (from an amazing Winnie the Pooh stationery design studio CD, which was also used to make bookmarks and birthday party invitations when I was little) that I coloured in a while ago and stuck on my bedroom wall.
  • A Winnie the Pooh album, including songs like The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers and Forever and Ever.
  • A ceramic letter K figurine with Kanga and Roo flying a kite.
  • Two keyrings.
  • A necklace that my best friend gave me for my 18th birthday.
  • A piglet mug which I drink water from almost every day.  It also has a matching Winnie the Pooh mug, and we also have plenty of other Winnie the Pooh mugs around the house.
  • A Winnie the Pooh toy.
  • More Winnie the Pooh bookmarks and notebooks.
  • There's also even more Winnie the Pooh things around the house, including a candle!

On top of all this, there's even more Disney things in my house including lots of videos and DVDs, mugs, CDs, a Monopoly game, jewellery-making kits, pins from the parks, books, LOTS of other things.

You'll probably wonder why I'm discussing how much I love Disney?  Well, today's very simple recipe is for teddy bear-shaped honey sandwiches, inspired by Winnie the Pooh's favourite food.  Sadly, unless you want to use marmalade instead of honey, they're not vegan (but are vegetarian-friendly), but they could be a great idea for kids parties!

Ingredients (serves 8)

8 slices of bread, either white or wholegrain
honey or marmalade


  1. Toast your slices of bread using either a toaster or a grill.
  2. Spread honey or marmalade on your slices of bread and put them together to form sandwiches.
  3. Using a teddy bear-shaped cutter, cut shapes out of the sandwiches to serve!

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